
Quality belongs at the start of the process – the detailed analysis of partners and projects forms the basis of our investment decisions.


Quality belongs at the start of the process –the detailed analysis of partners and projects forms the basis of ourinvestment decisions.

Selection of Partners

  • Testing the creditworthiness and track record of a project developer for sufficient credibility in the relevant sector
  • Analysis of the credit-status, existing holdings and previous experience of a portfolio purchaser
  • Evaluation and selection of partners based on our own network

Investment Analysis

  • Location and market analysis
  • Evaluation of the feasibility study/cash flow
  • Identification of opportunities and threats


  • Structuring of the entire financing package (equity capital/mezzanine loan/debt capital) based on the project SWOT analysis
  • Determination of the financing parameters together with the project developer
  • Co-investment by the owners of BNS

Discussion with Capital Partners

  • Creation of compelling project/property presentations
  • Identification of prospective equity investors and mezzanine lenders
  • Targeted personal approach to suitable investors
  • Discussions with super-regional and local lenders
  • Selection of the appropriate mezzanine partner